On this page you'll find several scripts you can use with a Level III version of Perseus. A script is a sequence of situations, animations, images and writings you can show using Perseus Level III.

In questa pagina vengono messi a disposizione alcuni script da utilizzare con Perseus livello III. Uno script è una sequenza di situazioni, animazioni, scritte e immagini che viene riprodotta tramite Perseus livello III.

To use these scripts, click on the chosen file's image or name. Save file on the "SAVED" folder of Perseus (usually C:\Program Files\Perseus\SAVED). Then, launch Perseus, load the script using the "Open Script" command in Script menu and finally launch the script itself using the "Execute Script" command (always on the Script menu). Press F11 to get the full screen view and Page Down to proceed.

Remember: scripts are designed in order to have best performances using a certain video resolution. You can use them with lower or higher resolutions, but we strongly recommend to use at least a resolution similar to the optimal one.

If you have created a script you want to share, send it to us and with your permission we'll publish it here.

The Transit of Venus and the Size of the World - by Marco Garoni e Paolo Morini
Explains the history of the measurement of the size of the Solar System and the importance of Venus' transits.
Optimal resolution: 1024x768.
The Transit of Venus - by David Ratledge
The Transit of Venus as seen from Lancashire, England.
Optimal resolution: 1024x768.
The motion of stars
Shows the effect of proper motions and the motion of the components of a double star.
Optimal resolution: 800x600.